Indianapolis - United States Army was not only interested in making a variety of fearsome war machine, Uncle Sam's army is also interested in making car wars 'environmentally friendly'.A vehicle called Clandestine Extended Range Vehicle (CERV), which is a war with a kitchen car racing event applying the hybrid is shown in the Indianapolis 500 some time ago.War environmentally friendly cars was created by Quantum andTARDEC. Quantum itself has previously made 'fuel cell hybrid electric alternative mobility vehicle (AMV)' for the American military.CERV itself is a stealth vehicle that uses a lightweight chassis with a diesel engine combined with electric motors. The combinationmakes CERV to 25 percent more efficient than vehicles that still use conventional engines only.The car is equipped with all wheel drive system, aka all-wheel drivealso has an impressive performance because it can reach a maximum speed of 129 km per hour.
In addition, as detikOto quotes from autoevolution, Monday (05/30/2011), a car that can live in all these fields are also able toclimb the steep streets to the slope to 60 degrees."In accordance with the national interest in terms of fuel efficiency,renewable power and energy security, TARDEC is fully engaged inambitious programs that encourage the development of hybridelectric vehicles for U.S. military use. CERV at the IndianapolisMotor Speedway into evidence if the defense and automotiveindustries have learned many and is a valid indicator of where this technology can go, "said Director Paul Skalny TARDEC NAC.
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