Over the years,there have beenvarious attemptstocreatevehicles thatoperate intwo worldsnamelyland andwater.Now the future ofcars thatcan goon landand waterseem tosee a bright spot.Suitable forinJakarta?JuanPabloBernalPisaboldlydesigned acar that canrun fastwhenon landandswimfasterinwater.As quotedgizmagon Tuesday(10/26/2010)watercaron displayat theUmeaInstituteof DesigninSwedenitself issponsoredby the car manufacturerOpelin its development.Watercarsmade byJuanPabloBernalPhasa morestylishlookandnice viewsto thelinesof an attractivedesign.The cariscurrently onlyable to accommodateone passengeris poweredbyan electricmotorat thefront and back legswhile the screenis hiddeninside.Whenon the water,the rear wheelfolded.That way, the carwascapable ofthis waterback and forthdown thestreeton landand droveon the waterwith ease.But unfortunately,for nowthewatercaris merelya concept caronly andhas notled to theproduction.
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