The car bomb was placed explosives in the car or truck to explode.Bomb of this type is a favorite weapon of terrorists, insurgents andassassins because the car can transport explosives without triggering suspicion large capacity. Truck bombs are also popular- trucks can break through the barrier easily and carry moreexplosive. Timothy McVeigh is famous action of the Federal Building bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah in Oklahoma City uses aRyder truck filled with explosives ammonia / fertilizer. Even themotorcycle and bicycle bombs also been used.The killer himself with car bombs usually employ one or more self-murderer to hit the car into the building with a blow. In the case ofmurder, bombs are usually installed at the bottom of the car before it exploded silently, with the movement of such cars. The bombexploded when the target approached or turn on the car or, usually,after a run and when the targets were in the car. The reason is what causes the guards often check the underside of the vehicle with awide glass mounted on a pole.To help prevent car bombs, the vehicles need to be parked in a location away from buildings, often with the help of Jersey barrier or other similar tools, and building a strong structure to withstandan explosion.Military and law enforcement agencies the United States often refer to the term car bomb.
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