Jaguar XKR-S (2009) JAGUAR XK series jaguar is known as a limited edition product.after success with several types of XK, now re-branded luxury car that makes the consumer wonder. Newer products manufacturer from English are given the "title" Jaguar XKR-S coupe.From the exterior design, the car has a sporty and elegant posture.Berbagai elegant body kit on her, for example, water-front splitter, rear spoiler, and rear bumper with unique diffuser panel.
Jakarta (ANTARANews)-Nearly10 years ofBugattiVeyronSuper Sportwas rankedfirstfor theprice of the vehiclesupercar. ItalianbrandthatVW'sengineershavenowcome downto position 2in the presence ofLamborghiniSestoElemento.Harganya1.77 billionpoundsor 170thousandpoundsmoreexpensivethanthe VeyronSuperSport.SestoElementointroduced at theParismotorshowin Octoberlast year.The chassisis almostentirelymade ofcarbonfiber-SestoElementomeans "elementto thesix"which is theatomic numberforcarbon.
4.Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo: 248 + mph (396 km), 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. Aluminum V8 Twin Turbo engine with 750 hp. Made In USA, the selling price of $ 555,000.
arethe fastest carsin the worldfromvarioussources.These carshave aspeed of morethan 300kmperhour.These carsareproductioncarsthat can beusedon public roads andnot specific tothe racecourse.Generally, inproductionwitha very limited number.Some ofthesecarsalreadyexistinIndonesia.
Bugatti Veyron,Super Car FastestCarsIn The World Mostdeveloped countriesapply theruleslimitthe maximumspeedof motor vehiclestoensure thesafetyof trafficon thehighway.Verystrictsanctions, rangingfrommonetaryfinestoprisonsentencesaliasbody.The U.S.consideredthemost violentcountriesapply the rules, givingthe speedmeasuringequipmentto everyhighwaypatrolofficerdespitefrequentpolicecarsquickly lostwith thecartargetquarry.