Wasserstoff im Universum aufgrund senneur Fulle, als eineAlternative zu umweltfreundliche fossilen Brennstoffen und die auf die Energiekrise Global Erwärmung angepriesen Kämpfen. Autosmit ist keine neue Brennstoffzellen feed ideas, aber ihre praktischeAnwendung wurde von ein paar Nachteile, wie die Kosten für diehohen Zellen und das Risiko bei der Speicherung von Wasserstoffwurde beeinträchtigt beteiligt. Die Autoindustrie versuchte,Meurent Nachteile durch die Gestaltung Concept Cars, das zuhalten Meurent Potenzial die Welt in einem time it Bewegung, wirsind Meurent gewohnt, zähmen zu haben. Hier ist eine Liste von 20Concept Cars plow, mit Wasserstoff Meurent betrieben werden,und das Unique, était mort Wasser aus dem Auspuff Würdesauberem:

• BMW HR2 hybrid car:The BMW HR2 voiture hybride east seulement a prototype devoiture de course et nous allons dans les manquer the showrooms.BMW également développé les voitures à piles à combustible,utilisant des voitures hybrides the technologie. BMW de lancer unepromising version of the bi-mode Actuelle Série 7 During the cycledu modèle actuel de production, the introduction de la premièrevoiture de SES fate Ainsi de fonctionner aussi bien Capable sur l'Hydrogène et l'essence.

• Renault Vitesse:Designed by James Logan, "Renault Speed" is small, safe and environmentally friendly at the same time. While the speed was built with lightweight plastic hybrid, it would get clean energy fromhydrogen fuel cells. It would also be fitted with mountings andunique bike in the back to eliminate the need for roof racks, which not only sounds strange, but also ruin the aerodynamics of a car.

• Jaguar C-XC:Designed by Philippe Dean, the Jaguar C-XC comes with being ahydrogen fuel cell mounted under the glass surface in one piece,covering the entire length of the car, adding to its aerodynamicdesign. The wheels of the car are also included to further increaseits aerodynamic properties. In addition to being powered by azero-emission, the materials used to build the body of the car will have a minimal environmental impact. The car has been designed to be constructed from leather tanning plant and recycled PET bottles.

• Honda FC Sport:The sport is based on CF-V flow cell FCX Clarity concept car. The machine incorporates a fuel cell powerful cell, located between the rear seats, and a backup battery located in the center of the car.

• Mazda TONBO:Designed by DedekDesign of Europe and Mazda, the car must be powered by hydrogen fuel cells to ensure that everything that comes out of the exhaust is pure water. How Rinspeed scuba, this car is designed to drive even in water. Another innovative feature to be incorporated in this car is the use of an anti-vandalism parking system that takes care of some trouble parking.

• Volkswagen CitiZen:The car runs on hybrid propulsion system that takes batteries andhydrogen fuel cells. The wheels of the car to rotate 180 degrees, so the user will this car do much to make U-turn, the car can bemaneuvered by joystick that can be used easily by one of the twofront seats.

• Honda PUYO:Is environmentally friendly cars, fueled by hydrogen fuel cells, HondaPuyo is intended to express the adorable animal-like feeling, warm and friendly, come intimating link between the people and the car.Innovative, out of the box gives maximum seamless soft box spaceform and silky feel to it. The buggy-like Jellybean almost transparentbody such as the appearance. The overall design, with a super softinterior that are perfect for providing extra comfort.

• BRB Evolution:Designed by Daniel Bailey, the BRB Evolution is designed to bepowered by hydrogen fuel cells. BRB is a car designed to free youfrom the parking problems and is designed to reduce the energyconsumed by all those parking spaces, reducing the parking space.The concept is so simple yet so fundamentally sound that grabs yourattention and you really have very little to be skeptical.

• Safari:Powered by a bank of hydrogen fuel cells, the concept of Safari isall about giving all possible benefits that can give you a heavy vehicle. Dynamic Drive all the major energy absorption largest independent, reinforced by a fiberboard structural composites andsliding door openings in case of side impacts and rollovers, leads to almost immediate proximity of a car dream compact.

• Mercedes-Benz F-Cell:Developed by 150 trainees from Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benzfactory in Sindelfingen, the F-Cell Roadster is claimed as a unique blend of art and technology. Powered by a 1.2kW drive a hybrid caris able to hit a top speed of 15 mph and a range of over 210 miles.Of course, the machine will not be the fastest from the blocks, but the design and functionality do not see the feasibility of twistedhistory of the modern cars of today.